Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thoughts on the month of Elul

Our physical actions are always preceded by thought. Before the creation of our world there was the "thought of creation". That thought of creation is the seed level that proceeded the actual creation. That is the essence or energy of the current month of Elul, the month that proceeds the creation that took place in Tishrei. How should we be thinking or what actions should we be taking this month to make the upcoming Rosh Hashana a more meaningful experience for us all?


No two snowflakes are alike. No two souls are alike. Some people need to feel a deep sense of purpose and meaning in what they do.  They need validation that this is a goal worth pursuing. Somehow, the "just do it" approach has proliferated and in turn limited the opportunity for connection in a deeper more meaningful way. Let's not just light the candles out of obligation. Let's light up our souls and those of like-minded others and unite worlds and create the unity our world is destined to enjoy.